Overhead Headphone recommendations

I would really like some over head - head phones with noise cancellation. I would stretch to Apple Airpod Pro Max but if there are better options I would opt for a cheaper option.

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I have the cream Sony ones which I love! A little cheaper than Apple but definitely worth the investment in my opinion! There are also some other Sony ones I looked at that I think are £250 which are great!

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The best thing I have bought: https://www.argos.co.uk/product/8136983?storeID=531&istCompanyId=a74d8886-5df9-4baa-b776-166b3bf9111c&istFeedId=30f62ea9-9626-4cac-97c8-9ff3921f8558&istItemId=illitriml&istBid=t&&cmpid=GS001&_$ja=tsid:59157|acid:416-707-6621|cid:16386900662|agid:131065664302|tid:pla-359785526052|crid:583962478285|nw:u|rnd:6009181854651255011|dvc:c|adp:|mt:|loc:9045894&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=16386900662&utm_term=8136983&utm_content=shopping&utm_custom1=131065664302&utm_custom2=416-707-6621&GPDP=true&gclid=Cj0KCQiA8t2eBhDeARIsAAVEga2fk04-wgjOIXSlCSDONiGw9PileyAzo6PZFUvPA61a7CDpmdjWSeIaAkYKEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

I have these and they are great SonyD2c

They’re always on the Which best buy for noise cancellation.

I have a pair of Bose 700 headphones that I use for meetings etc. I did a lot of research before buying and the Sony and Bose came up tops. I ended up going with the Bose because they are a bit slimmer and mic quality was better than the Sony - but if you are just listening to music and not using it for meetings that’s less of an issue.

I got a pair of Beats a couple of years ago and really love them! Their noise cancelling is really good