50 Birthday - on the night ideas

hi there - my 50th birthday party is coming in a couple of weeks and I wanted to ask if there were any small touch ideas anyone can recommend to make it feel and look special. I will have some photography displays and getting some hand made candles to gift my guests. We will have a couple of speeches and pianist and then music for dancing - is there anything anyone can suggest they’ve come across and thought was a lovely idea. TIA xxx

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This sounds so lovely!! I recently went to a wedding and there was a tiny bottle with a shot of alcohol inside. The bottle had our names on it and was by our placemats. At the end of the speeches they asked us to take the shot which I thought was a nice/fun idea!

These are a fun idea

At a 50th dinner I went to recently, every place had a photo of the person from when they’ve been with the birthday girl, rather than a name place. It was so funny finding your seat and walking past everyone else’s photo. So of us had changed beyond recognition!