Can anyone recommend a good activated charcoal supplement please?
My son is going travelling and I’ve heard it’s good to take for any stomach upsets.
Thank you.
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Never tried these specific ones myself but know Kiki Health is fab x
Additionally to activated charcoal ginger really helps the digestive system, my friend and I both use this one: https://www.boots.com/boots-naturals-ginger-60-tablets-10275606?cm_mmc=bmm-buk-google-ppc-_-PLAs_HeroCompare-_--_-PMax:+UK_Smart_Shopping_Healthcare_Other&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwltKxBhDMARIsAG8KnqUhzJJOOUKm6DqibTIiH5Di-JIukVkkoo8jUIgfZkt4dd0XQNBlBVYaAgbaEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
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