Battersea Power Station

Would love recommendations for a nice lunch or dinner at Battersea Power station. Also some bar recommendations would be great.
It’s a festive day out with my husband :slight_smile:

Thanks so much x


OOooh yes! I went a couple of weeks ago for Sunday lunch at Bread Kitchen by Gordon Ramsay and the food and service was exceptional.

The Control Room bar also looks great, and if you’re there you could even do the Lift 109 experience. We loved it - it’s only about 20 mins - but I’d do it in daylight rather than night time

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The Arcade Food Hall is always really fun, and El Pastor is about to open there!

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I was there this weekend just gone and it’s so lovely and festive so you’ll have a great day out.
The choice of food places is almost overwhelming - so many great options! I would also recommend the Arcade food hall. The Control Room Bar looks fab and I always enjoy No 29 x

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Agree about GR’s Bread Kitchen - went there pre Lift 109 experience for cocktails & a quick snack - lovely setting. We did Lift 109 in the evening in March & I really was surprised at how good the view still was at night - was quite impressive how clearly the shape of the river showed up. We ate at Cinnamon Kitchen afterwards & that was a tasty meal & well priced too.

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I went to Solis last night and it was SO GOOD!

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