Beach Heels - Bridesmaid

I’m looking for stylish heels for a beach wedding in Mexico. I’ll be a bridesmaid wearing a light blue silk dress and would like tall heels that are suitable for the beach and versatile enough to be reworn throughout the trip. Thanks!

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I would have a look at LK Bennett, Bobbies and Mascaro.

I think silver or gold strappy heels woud look fab! something like this
ASOS DESIGN Native strappy heeled sandals in gold | ASOS_gsMQ…&gclid=Cj0KCQiAs5i8BhDmARIsAGE4xHx_mNYnzo_siQy1KNzBKrSUhyyqMcj-bErXiPVJpgpTWJZ66MJToZ8aAu9CEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds#colourWayId-205611371

Simmi London Henni Strapped heeled sandal in Silver and Gold | ASOS_gsMQ…&gclid=Cj0KCQiAs5i8BhDmARIsAGE4xHx_mNYnzo_siQy1KNzBKrSUhyyqMcj-bErXiPVJpgpTWJZ66MJToZ8aAu9CEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds#colourWayId-206734128

Simmi London Bia strappy block heeled sandal in gold | ASOS_gsMQ…&gclid=Cj0KCQiAs5i8BhDmARIsAGE4xHx_mNYnzo_siQy1KNzBKrSUhyyqMcj-bErXiPVJpgpTWJZ66MJToZ8aAu9CEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds#colourWayId-205539597