Bologna - worth the trip?

I am flying out to Bologna on my way to the Italian Alps and was wondering whether it’s worth staying there for a night and experiencing the town? I will be by myself and only meeting my family in the alps, so any reccs for a single person?

Thanks xx


Bologna is worth visiting. We had stayed at the Boutique Hotel Liberty. The food market is to die for - worth the visit! Top restaurants there are Ristorante Teresina and Al Pappagallo. Look out for any art exhibitions taking place at the time.

Nearby towns worth visiting are Ferrara and Comacchio.

Yes, Bologna is great! I did a piece on it here with lots of recos:

Thanks everyone, this is super helpful! x

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We loved Bologna! Food is sooo good— would recommend Trattoria da Me, Mo Mortadella Lab and Casa Minghetti for drinks!

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Thank you so much, these sound great!

100% !! Some of the best food I’ve had in Italy - and really affordable, too.

We love affordable - booked the flight now and so excited to try all the food!

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