Christening present for my godson

Does anyone have any good christening present suggestions for my godson?
I want to get something that will last and he can use when he’s older. I love travelling so would love to inspire him to travel, but trying to think of a present to relate to this or wondering is I just keep the present more classic. Thank you in advance!

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Maybe a globe made out of… something attractive to you? Binoculars, monocular, Galileo’s thermometer, compass, wind rose pendant… these are maybe related to travelling by sea, but why not


I’d go classic - engraved cufflinks or a personalised print always go down well.

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My children were all given a compass “to guide them through life”. I loved the sentiment…

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Absolutely love this, thank you! Do you have any ideas of where to get one from?

Some ideas here!

How special! I got my Godson a Savings Bond. I’m based in the US so I don’t know if they’re called the same thing in the UK. But usually there’s one with a longer maturation period and the value on them is guaranteed. Maybe pair it with a story book about a new place to tie it into the travel theme.