Christmas present idea for new boyfriend

I need help :joy: First Christmas with new boyfriend (of 9 months) and i haven’t had to buy for a new one in a loooong time! That old problem of not knowing how much to spend etc. I know he’s the sort of person who will be thoughtful with presents rather than just throw money at it. He’s also had a really hard couple of months so want something to cheer him up.
He’s well dressed and groomed so I don’t think he needs help on that front, his main thing is food - he’s a great cook (and needless to say has all the stuff already).

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!


Have a look at Sous Chef – it has lots of kits based on new cookbooks etc and ingredient sets.

There are other ideas in our SL gift guide too:

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I would have a look at Borough Kitchen or St John’s shop which both have lots of nice gifts!

Failing that, how about a restaurant voucher or a meal kit from Dishpatch?

Maybe a cooking lesson which you can go together? Or wine tasting and pairing? Italy Segreta offer a number of experiences: