Easter sun with baby

Hi everyone - I’m looking for suggestions for first trip away with my new baby next Easter (end of march). 4-5 days somewhere sunny (doesn’t need to be roasting) which works for a five month old baby. Pre-baby I would have been looking at a boutique type hotel and definitely avoiding anything overly commercial/ all inclusive. X


I have been to both the French Riviera and Marbella for Easter and would recommend both. Lovely weather. Summer but not to hot.

There might be some nice ideas in this feature: https://sheerluxe.com/culture/travel/8-short-haul-family-half-term-holidays

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Tuscany - I recommend Florence and Arezzo

Normandy is great as is the Loire Valley

I went to the amalfi coast in easter last year, it was really peaceful and the weather was so nice!