Looking for something to gift my mum and dad separately. A day/event ideally in London next year thats slightly out the ordinary. Any good exhibitions coming up? Or shows, talks, plays, classes.
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Would they like this? A tour of an amazing house and a glass exhibition in one?
Then Sunday lunch somewhere nice…
What about tickets to Long Day’s Journey Into Night at Wyndham’s Theatre (starring Brian Cox, opens in March) or a day at the Design Museum? It always has cool exhibitions, then you could go somewhere local for lunch like Daphne’s for a treat?
I love the Wildlife Photography of the Year exhibition which is at the Natural History Museum every year.
If they’re really into food… Monarch Theatre at Park Row is probably the best food experience I’ve ever been to.
Also, in the summer, look out for Iris Theatre in Covent Garden - they do outdoor plays
ABBA Voyage? It’s a popular one but cool experience so I’ve heard…
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This is the best!