Eyelash curlers!

Hello! I’ve been using the same crap eyelash curlers for years and they’ve finally given up the ghost. Has anyone got any great day-to-day recommendations? My eyelashes are rubbish, so I need all the help I can get!

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I LOVE Tweezerman: https://bit.ly/44FXNi6

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Ooh, thanks Daisy!

I have used these for years and love them!


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Well, yours are great so definitely investigating these, thank you!

I am also going to invest in a pair of these!!

I have been using the MAC one forever and love it!

I have found the best to be the Tweezerman Pro!
Tweezerman Lash Curler

I second Tweezerman! These are the best, I use them everyday

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Thank you, Alexa! xx

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Bought these ones in the end – thank you, Daisy!