Gardening book for a 'cool guy' - tips?!

Hi SL Community (@LauraBlack @Gblaskey ) - my brother-in-law has recently gotten into gardening. His birthday is approaching and I’m scrabbling for ideas. I thought about a gardening book but one that’s a little more ‘cool’! Perhaps also with tips for kitchen gardening too included. Any thoughts?
S x

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I was given ‘The Apprehensive Gardener’ by my MIL who’s a big time garden designer and it’s great. It sounds a bit lame but it’s V useful. For cooler books look at Arthur Parkinsons books as well as From Seed to Bloom by Milly Proust. For presents- Niwaki gloves and secateurs, their stuff is the best.

Other god presents are gardening tool bags or racks for the shed or if feeling super generous Blundstones are no1 for boots. X

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I recommend having a look at Libreria della Natura - this is a library based in Milan which offers a vast selection of books, both in Italian and other languages, about gardening.

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Brilliant tips, thank you!!!

This one is on my list: No Dig

Very cool cover also!

How about a gardening journal where he can jot down his plans and gardening ideas?

This one from Etsy looks cool!

Great idea! Thanks all, I’ve got a great list now for b’day / Xmas for a hard-to-buy-for man!

I think cool is great but sometimes you can’t go wrong with old school - Monty Don? I’ve also heard he is great when he does a talk so perhaps worth looking out for tickets?