Looking for some ideas on something affordable & thoughtful to buy for a one year old boy. Struggling to think out the box a little.
Here are some suggestions:
NOTH & Etsy have these gorgeous personalised knits!
Personalised Hand Knitted Children’s Name Cardigan By Polly Wren Studios (notonthehighstreet.com)
Love Coco’s options so cute! I would do a keepsake as its a big birthday - silver engraved spoon etc - and then a cute toy he can play with.
A bubble machine is always a winner! or a bath light.
Hi Harriet. I bought this book for my niece recently and my SIL absolutely loved it. A Record Of Childhood: https://www.colourchronicles.com/products/the-book-of-you-a-record-of-childhood?variant=45325810958645¤cy=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw0YGyBhByEiwAQmBEWpQCwWL4Z3GRui9CTcbAxTRZYZLLKxafNf2w6m7PVTovSbBCIIHZCBoCmsIQAvD_BwE
The Wonderbly books are always a nice idea. Someone got my little boy one, it’s personalised with the child’s name. It’s so special and is something that will last too.
I went down the Wonderbly route too for my friend’s baby’s first birthday - the parents loved it just as much as it’s lovely to be able to personalise the book! Also affordable
Hi Harriet!
I always think that these are such a great idea for when children start moving onto solid food and learning to eat by themselves: