Gift ideas for a friend who just had a baby

Hi! Looking for gift ideas for a friend who has just had a baby boy. Budget: £50-£100. Would love suggestions for something really special :slight_smile:

Thank you!

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This cashmere blanket is in the sale at Boden and is divine. I was given something similar and adored it! Also something you woulnd’t really order yourself

Or a personalised cushion is always a lovely idea too. I’ve gifted a few of these from The Linen Works

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This isn’t something special but for my group of friends we always do the Cook frozen meals delivered to their door. Every new mum and dad we’ve got them for has always been hugely grateful. If you’re looking for something sentimental a personalised book is always a nice keepsake. You can get some beautiful (non-cheesy) ones now.

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Thank you Laura - wonderful ideas! My friend loves anything personalised, so would really appreciate that :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That’s a good shout, thank you Emily!