Grey hair incoming!šŸ«£

Hereā€™s one for the ā€œoldiesā€ category! Iā€™ve got naturally VERY dark brown hair, and now that Iā€™m 42, the greys are starting to sneak in. :sweat_smile: Theyā€™re even forming a little club above my right ear, making themselves quite visible!

Iā€™m not quite ready (mentally or otherwise) to dive into the full-on hair dyeing process just yet. But Iā€™d love something to help cover them up for as long as possible.

Hereā€™s what Iā€™m looking for:

  • Something to target small, specific areas :dart:
  • A semi-permanent or permanent solution (not daily hair mascara, powder, or all-over tint) :bulb:

Does anyone in this lovely community have a go-to at-home product theyā€™d recommend? :pray::haircut_woman:

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My friend went grey pre-maturely and has been using Glazed semi-permanent hair gloss to cover up. I actually use this on my hair in general as it makes it super shiny so you can do it to your whole head too. It lasts about 4 shampoos usually so doesnā€™t have the nasties permanent dye typically do x

Iā€™ve been looking for a gloss! Iā€™m gonna try this x

I use Glazed all the time on my hair, it so good and the colour really sticks. Iā€™ve tried so many hair dyes, and more often than not, the colour fades so quickly, but can 100% vouch for this brand x

Bit of a diffrent aporoach but i use just for men beard and moustache dye. You can mix a small ammount and just target little patches, it sounds a bit left field but this saves a full head dye and the formula doesnt damage hair. Also done in 5 mins. :sparkles: ps mine is also dark brown, i buy the dark brown version

I also love Glazed and glosses in general!

This however is fantastic:

Just for small areas x

LOVE this brand so much!