Hair loss and the menopause

Hi, I am going through the menopause and on HRT but have noticed my hair isn’t as full as it used to be. Does anyone have any recommendations a supplement or product that boosts hair growth?

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I’d recommend seeing a tricholigist to get a really targeted approach. Susie at Philip Kingsley is brillian

I agree with Laura, a trichologist will definitely offer some great advice and solutions bespoke to you! All experts agree minoxidil is the key ingredient to look out for and can apparently make a really big difference. x

Minoxidal is proven for results. If you’re on prescription meds for HRT, ask your Doc fir prescription hair treatment. Anything else is cosmetic/scalp conditioning. Good luck :+1:

Thank you so much for the advice, I have my HRT check next week so I will definitely discuss it with the nurse