Any recommendations for how to adapt my existing makeup for when I develop a bit of a tan? I’m extremely fair and always wear one of the lightest shades in any foundation. I’m going on holidays and will wear a little bit of gradual self tan and will develop a little bit of a tan when I’m away. I don’t really want to buy a new foundation in a whole new colour, because it’s hard to get the shade just right- so was hoping to find some good drops, or similar that can be added to my current makeup? Any ideas?
I also always face this problem after a sun holiday! This summer the Tan-Luxe Super Gloss drops have saved me. I add them in with my foundation and it gives me subtle colour and glow xx
I find tanning drops are great to add to your existing moisturiser, I use these Tropic ones:¤cy=GBP&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google%20shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjwxOymBhAFEiwAnodBLJFz3KxVARfSxIx2HsR2CogJYl1vL0e1jqXNTcRHNBHk6d76MgnRSRoCvOwQAvD_BwE
I agree, best thing to do if you don’t want to buy a new foundation is to invest in some tan drops. I really love these for a more natural finish:
Also this doesn’t add coverage, but it does boost glow and unify your skin tone/tan:
ive been using this ever since i got back from holiday to warm up by usual base: