Japan capsule wardrobe

Hey all, I’m heading to Japan in one month for 3 weeks (Tokyo, Kyoto & Osaka) and can’t decide what to pack. I’d like to keep things pretty capsule so I can bring back lots of Japanese goodies but it’s proving quite difficult. It’s looking to be about 5 - 15 degrees, which is pretty broad!

Any help would be gratefully received!

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My number one thing wherever I travel (especially when temperatures vary) is to put together everything I’d want to take and then go through every item and try to match it with at least 3-4 other items I could wear it with. That way you will slowly narrow it down. And think of layering options rather than taking many thick jumpers - that way you’re prepared for any weather.
(When putting the outfits together also think of shoes - only take outfits that will work with the same pair of shoes so you can minimise there too)
Hope that helps!

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For this sort of trip I always go with good basics:

  • Linen trousers (two or three colours)
  • Tshirts/shirts of different cuts and breathability


With shoes I would go with comfortable minimalism and shoes that you can actually walk long distances in:



I would also go with layers, so thin layers that can easily be removed, think cardigans, light weight gielts etc. xx

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Capsule is definitely the way to go. I’d suggest some coords where possible and to keep it tonal too so you can mix and match. Lots of layering pieces for the variation in temperatures and always a big wrap scarf. Great for travelling and to cosy up in if it really does get cold. Have an amazing trip!!

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Thanks everyone! These are all really helpful.