Juice Cleanse

Please can someone recommend a juice cleanse that is available nationwide. I’m looking to try one as I’ve read it helps with getting rid of brain fog but the ones I’ve looked into have protein added in which I don’t really want.

Ideally I would prefer a cleanse that includes soups as well as juices and I’m looking to do a 1-3 day cleanse.



I have always used www.bigjuiceltd.com I think they are good value - come frozen so you can start straight away or put into the freezer for the day you are ready to start. They do a green cleanse or a nutri dense - or individual.

I would look at Presscription and Nosh Detox!

I didn’t realise juice cleanses can help with brain fog, that’s so interesting, maybe I have to give it a try some time!

I’ve done Press in the past – really recommend it!


I have done a 3 day juice cleanse at Champneys & to be honest, the first day was great & easy to do. The second day started to get more difficult & by the third day I wanted to eat my own head! In saying that, I think a 24hr cleanse is great & fairly easy to do. It does make you feel better, clearer-minded, more energetic, but I would not recommend more than 48hrs. :slight_smile:

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Just finished a 3 day juice cleanse with PRESS | Cold Pressed Juice Cleanses, Soup Cleanses & Detox Juices – PRESS Healthfoods (press-london.com) - strongly recommend! Sleeping better and feeling “brighter” on my third day

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I would highly recommend Jason Vale, you need to make your own juices, the apps are great https://www.juicemaster.com/

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I would look at PRESS!
PRESS | Cold Pressed Juice Cleanses, Soup Cleanses & Detox Juices – PRESS Healthfoods (press-london.com)

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The Detox Kitchen have a great 3-day soup and juice cleanse option available nationwide!

I’ve also done the press one’s in the past - Presscription I think it is. There are so many juices each day and they keep you super full.

Love, love, love Press

Exalt are great x