Kale Recipes

Does anybody have any good Kale salad recipes-- I’m on a cavolo nero kick and always go for this recipe (Kale and Quinoa Salad With Tofu and Miso Recipe), but would love to branch out!

thank you!


I love this recipe as it’s easy:

Also have a look at:

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This one is good from Deliciously Ella https://www.deliciouslyella.com/recipes/kale-caesar-salad/

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I love this one from Sabrina Ghayour: https://www.abowlofsugar.com/post/marinated-kale-salad

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It sounds wintery, but this salad Alexandra Dudley did for us is so good and works for summer too.

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Hi there, do you like crispy seaweed? If so try a basic recipe but with kale. Shred a few handfuls, add some spring onion, add a couple of teaspoons of sesame oil, some sea salt, a table spoon of brown sugar and roast for about ten minutes. Give it a bit of a mix about half way through and keep an eye on it so it doesn’t overcook or burn. It’s delicious! Xx😁

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Love these, thank you!

I do love seaweed, will definitely try this!

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Yum-- love a caesar!

Thank you!!

Can’t go wrong with a tahini dressing in any season, will definitely try!

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