Laser eye surgery recommendations

Hate wearing glasses and failed miserably with a contact lens trial so I’m seriously considering laser eye surgery. Any recommendations of tried and tested clinics in the Beds, Bucks & Herts area and costs involved?


Hi the best place to go to is Moorfields eye hospital - Mr Alexander Ionides - people from all over the world go to it. I had it with him 15 years ago, wouldn’t go anywhere else. I’ve recommended to 4 friends, all satisfied
It cost me about £3,000 but think it’s about £5000 now- for both eyes. Life changer


I agree, I went with Prof. David Gartry at Moorfields and have had no problems since my operation in 2018. My prescription was -5.25 and -5.75 and I’ve got almost perfect 20/20 vision now. It cost around £4400 at the time for both eyes and I can’t fault any stage of the process; the initial consultation or aftercare.

As you’ve probably already started researching, I cannot emphasise enough to go with a place that is reputable. At the time it was very tempting to go with a cheaper company that had better offers but I’m so pleased that I didn’t. :slight_smile:
Good luck!

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Thank you that’s very useful to know

Thanks so much for all that info, very useful

Hey Anita - I used Optical Express last October and as someone who had -5 in both eyes it has changed my life to wake up in the morning and be able to see! I paid £4.5k :). Happy to speak in more detail if you’d like. Best of luck!

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Can i ask which one you went to specifically?

I had my appointments at White City and the surgery on Shaftesbury Avenue

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I had mine done in Harley Street - they were called Laser Vision. I was really nervous and had gone to several places beforehand until I felt happy and comfortable with somewhere (and someone!). This was about 15 years ago and was the best thing I ever did.


I had mine done (but in Devon) and I seriously recommend it. It was over in a jiffy and only uncomfortable (like gravel in your eyes) for a few hours. Never looked back.


I went to Moorfields Eye Hospital as well and, after doing a ton of research, I had mine done by Dr Julian Stevens - he is fantastic and I would highly recommend him. There was a celebrity getting it done at the same time as me, so what I read about him treating celebs etc. was definitely true :joy: I had mine done in 2016 and my prescription was -6.00 in both eyes. It cost about £4,200 and I was able to pay this off interest-free over 18 months. It is probably around £5k now but it has absolutely changed my life and is the best thing I have ever done for myself - worth every penny. Good luck! xx

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Thank you so much. I will definitely look into going to Moorfields after all the recommendations, sounds like my best bet! Now to save some money :slight_smile:


Interesting, I have been back & forth with getting it done. This is great to read.


Just so that you’re aware, 20/20 is classed as very good vision but it is not perfect. There are levels of vision that are classed as excellent and greater than 20/20. Eg 20/10, 20/5.

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I went to mr ionides at moorfields 20 years ago (would not go anywhere else due to all their amazing machinery) it was not at all uncomfortable and the pain killing drops they gave - I never used. My prescription was -4.25 and -5.25. Absolutely a game changer and did not have a problem at all

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Hi, I had the surgery with Prof. David Gartry at Moorfields as well. The whole process was very professional and my nerves were calmed. No issues after. My eyes were -9/-9.5, 13 year ago. They have deteriorated and I need to wear glasses for driving and gigs, tv etc but this was to be expected with such a high prescription. The surgery changed my life and I recommend it very highly!

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Hi all

A few questions:

  • Was there downtime?
  • Did you feel anything?
  • How was the experience overall? Did you find it bearable?
  • Recovery?

Thank you in advance x