Life - getting older

ENJOY your videos and how you embrace life! The zest and excitement you have daily is - contagious. As your live life, move through your day - is there anything that causes you to pause and perhaps even be “afraid” of the future in growing older? Wisdom comes with age, but in reality what are you looking forward to MOST as the calendar counts the days with getting older? Again, “doing life” with you over your weekly vlogs are not only entertaining, but a JOY overflowing …

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Question for Jo, I’m interested in the Radio Frequency device that’s been on her Vlog, please can she explain how it works, and if its worth it?

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The gadget is hugely popular and has had many rave reviews. Im being very cautious as i read that its not good to have radio frequency if you have had dental implants ( ive had three)
So Im going to do more research before I continue