Looking for breakfast inspo

Every morning my go to is porridge with banana but thinking to switch it up as I’m getting a bit bored. Needs to be quick and easy so I can eat it at my desk. Any suggestions would be great!


I make a little jar of overnight oats (oats/almond milk/any nuts or seeds/cinnamon etc), then top it with nut butter and fruit in the office! easy to take on the go and really filling x


Perhaps not a full on breakfast but a green apple and peanut butter is my go to for a quick AM snack if I’m in a rush… (preferably M&S crunchy PB). If not the cinnamon porridge with banana is a lush combo. Exalt have some great juices and shakes x

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It’s still porridge (sorry!), but these from Rise are so good:

I have them all the time at my desk – they’re made with dates and nuts, so they’re really filling. The dark choc & sea salt one is the best!

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my go to is natural yogurt with ‘additives’ - these can be anything from fresh fruit to nuts and seeds to dried fruit and, of course, the forever-friend muesli!

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Overnight oats are great and very versatile. I wrote this feature which may give you some inspo! T x


I really want to try some overnight oats now! For on-the-go breakfast and snacks, I love these dual layered pots so you can keep your fruit/yoghurt/oats separate. Perfect for the above ideas and these ones are a good size and come with a clip-on spoon, too. x


Ummm homemade egg bits is the oneeeee The BEST The BEST Egg Bites Recipe - Aleka's Get-Together

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