Looking for Liquid Eyeliner Recommendations

Hey everyone! I’m on the lookout for a new liquid eyeliner. I’m open to recommendations, especially if it’s waterproof, but it’s not a must. Any suggestions on your favourite brands?

Thank you!

Max Factor Expert Eyeliner

The Tom Ford liquid eyeliner is amazing. Thin and fuller ends. It’s not the cheapest, but definitely worth it and lasted a year, even using it every day.

Mac Brushstroke Liner (in brown) is my go to. It seems to sell out everywhere so stock up when you can.

I’m always looking for a new and improved liquid eyeliner :grimacing: this Lisa Eldridge one is my current fave, I think only comes in black. It’s super fine and easy to control Lisa Eldridge Kitten Flick Liquid Eyeliner | Space NK

Personally have always loved KVD tattoo liner

I’ve heard good things about the Kiko Definition Waterproof eyeliner x

Love the fenty flyliner