Marathon Training

I am currently training for the London Marathon and wondering if anyone else is marathon training & has any tips, tricks or any kit recommendations!?
Send help!! haha


Hi Lucy,

I did the London marathon earlier this year and it was the best day of my life! You are going to love it.

My top tip would be to focus on you and not worry about the distances other people are running and the pace their running it at.
Stick to 3 runs a week and focus on injury prevention. 1 long run (upping the mileage each week), 1 speed run (running faster then slower to get your body used to different HR’s) and one easy 5-6k.
Nutrition is SO important, I took one Cliff BLOC gel cubes every 20minutes in training runs and on the day, gels didn’t sit well with my stomach.
The app Runna is really good, you can put in your predicted/goal time and it will map you out a personalised training plan based on how many runs you wish to run a week (I actually have a code DAISY2 for 2 weeks free if you want to try it out). I used this and it was brilliant!

Good luck and enjoy the day! Running over Tower Bridge was the best bit.


@daisyreed Thank you so much for the detailed reply. Super useful.
I so get your point about not comparing yourself, because Instagram is flooded with ‘runners content’ at the moment, I constantly am comparing myself, so such a good point!
Thank you for the top tips. xxx

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How exciting! I ran the London Marathon in 2018 and found following a plan was essential. I actually used quite a basic plan from Bupa, but it was perfect and not overly complicated:

If you want something more high-tech, I know Nike do good training plans that send your daily workouts/runs/distances to your fitness watch.

Start by getting a gait analysis - Runner’s World is great, so you can get a pair of trainers that works for your feet. I ended up getting two pairs so I could alternate them throughout training.

Gels - essential! I tried them all but liked/digested Torq the best as they are very runny and not too sticky,

Electrolytes - really useful for longer runs when training. I used Nuun but know there are lots of great brands out there now,

Things no-one tells you… you’ll end up running longer than 26.2 miles! By the time you’ve navigated the more crowded parts at the beginning, you’ll do nearer 27 miles. And take an Immodium before you head out on longer runs - someone told me this and it was the best bit of advice ever!

If it helps, I wrote this back in the day!

GOOD LUCK! Such an adventure, you’ve got this! x

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Agreed, it is so hard not to compare yourself to others and it can really get you down.
I found not looking at my pace throughout a run ended up leading to better runs as I didn’t put so much pressure on myself x

Agree about the Imodiums!


Wow great tip! I shall make sure I take thank you so much

Thank you so much for the tips - really useful. Especially the bit about gait and imodium!
Oh gosh, running even longer than 26.2miles - I suppose once you’ve gone that far whats a little bit more!!

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My biggest tip is enjoy it all, it is the most amazing experience ever. You are running alongside some incredible people and you will feel an unbelievable amount of emotion throughout. I ran it in 2019 and 2021, I sadly didn’t get a place this year but did get a place in Paris - and as amazing as it will be, I honestly can’t imagine anything beating the London crowds. But I cannot agree with the messages above, it is amazing!!

Other tips:

  • Gels/sweets - I have struggled in training on long runs with gels, but on the first marathon went ahead with gels and I wish I didn’t! The second marathon I trained with jelly babies and this worked really well for me - so def try these on your long runs (gels and sweets) and see what works best for you

  • Underwear - Find some very comfortable underwear and a sports bra, 26.2 miles is a long way to run and the last thing you want is to feel uncomfortable or experience chaffing.

  • Vaseline - I covered my feet in vaseline on both runs and then applied running socks (buy these and wear these when you get your gait analysed for the running shoe, people underestimate a good running sock)

  • Nutrition, a lot of information suggest carb loading but you can end up feeling really bloated so the week before - eat normally. The evening meal before the race, go for carbs and a bit of fat. Morning of the race, some people find it useful to eat fairly close to the start (like a banana), as you don’t want to mess with your blood sugars. Try take on energy early on in the race, or we can end up taking it too late and then it is too late to work, you may want to consider (mile 5/10/15/20), and stay hydrated throughout. Don’t worry about needing the loo, the queues go down fairly quick (not pleasant but no one cares on the day!)

Enjoy it all, it’s a massive achievement and something you will look back on forever!


It’s a very minor point but something to keep in mind! Plus, think how proud you’ll feel at the end knowing you’ve actually run further than a marathon! x

Great tips, and agreed about the underwear… I swore by Sweaty Betty’s Victory Run bra, I think I had about 6 on rotation! x

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Ladies - I have to say I am well on my marathon journey now, and your top tips have been so useful & really very wise!!
I can’t thank you enough :slight_smile:

My only other question is I think I need to upgrade from my apple watch, the battery is just not lasting the day so will need to move to a running watch!
Are you garmin fans and if so which one?