Best brands for men’s loungewear?
for something a bit different, I love Piglet In Bed:¤cy=GBP&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAxKy5BhBbEiwAYiW--1RBEJh6fFt67svqkM42CuaYfDc6TJkpkb7dx7x0GI5c3Nef2cxxEhoCk80QAvD_BwE
Skims all the way! A bit of a higher price tag but the men’s selection is so cosy and my boyfriend swears by it!
Have a look at American Vintage, such a nice quality!
The White Company has a small range of men’s loungewear but such good quality
Yes I agree, this brand is great!
My boyfriend wears a lot of Pangaia it is great quality
I second Pangaia! & It’s pretty unisex so you can always steal it