New cookbook recommendations

I am looking for a new cookbook for fresh inspiration as the summer comes. I am often cooking for just myself so prefer dishes without lengthy ingredients lists and that can work for lunch the next day. I already am a big fan of the Roasting Tin books so am looking for something a bit different & mainly veggie. Thanks in advance!

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Hi Harriet,

The Spice Rack sounds like just what you’re looking for – and there are loads of great brunch and weekend recipes too:


Jamie’s 5 Ingredients is great! V simple recipes and loads of veggie options, including lots of nice salads,


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I recently got the Chubby Cub’s new book which I love! Lots of tasty and healthy recipes which can be modified for two or one person

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I love Dr Rupy Cooks - delicious and mainly plant based

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Bazaar by Sabrina Ghayour is one of my faves for veggie based cooking