Looking for nice perfume for a birthday gift under £60 please
I have gifted this set to a couple of my friends as it is quite nice to try a few different scents x
I love the Replica perfumes which start at £60 for a decent sized bottle
Wow fab idea x
Oooh looks lovely
Thanks this looks gorgeous
Something like this is fun to try different scents! https://www.sephora.co.uk/p/Penhaligons-Ladies-Fragrance-Collection-5-x-5ml?curr=GBPcurr=GBP&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwu-63BhC9ARIsAMMTLXQpyJ6q_WYGRERwGuzFNtpXZE_YHM-TQkW9T8N0m6slKXzwpUVy5owaAh0_EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
I think everyone would be happy to receive the Glossier perfume!
I like the & Other Stories perfumes too for something even more affordable
You can’t go wrong with a mini Jo Malone perfume for a gift under £60…I love Pomegranate Noir. Le Labo a bit out of the price range, but some gorgeous scents xx
How about a hair perfume? I love the Gisou ones, and the Dyptique! And all under £60!
Hi Sharon
I always think perfume is tricky as we have such individual tastes.
If you friend likes Oud, then these discovery sets might be an idea: