Pivoting career in early 40s

Hi, I potentially have the opportunity to pivot my career but don’t know where to start. I am in my early 40’s and have hated my career in education for many years (This may sound heartless, but many of my roles have been undervalued and stressful.) My partner is now in a role which means I have some breathing space to find a new job. I am keen to do something creative, but not sure where to start. I have lots of management and organisational skills, which are transferable. Any advice people can give me would be great. Thank you


I think the first question to ask yourself is if you could wake up tomorrow and do anything in the world, what would it be. Don’t take money or anything like that into consideration – what are your hobbies/interests and do those translate into any kind of career? Starting over is always scary and there’s never a ‘perfect’ time to do it but if you can pinpoint something you’d think you’d enjoy doing (80% of the time, no job is fun all the time) and whether you have the skills to start sending out CVs, then do it. If not, identify the gaps and maybe give yourself a set time to acquire them – whether it’s with an online course or with an internship. Don’t be afraid of going back to work experience either, I think lots of people are used to people switching careers now.


You have the second chance most people never get. What an amazing opportunity. Completely echo Harriet’s views, and I would also consider what you wanted to do when you were at school, is this something you’d want to revisit? Think about your personality type and whether this is a good fit.

My other tip would be to think about whether it’s the job itself or the environment. If you actually love education still, would you be better off working for yourself in an advisory role, or providing individual support for students as part of a smaller company?

Good luck :crossed_fingers:t2: :heart:


Theres a facebook group called life after teaching or something like that that may assist.

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Hi Nicole,
I’d say go for it - you have many years of career fulfillment ahead of you. I’d think carefully about what interests you - fashion, travel, retail and what you are good at. And then set up as many coffees / chats as you can. Try and get some work experience if your partner’s situation means you can… I’m sure you’ll quickly find your calling…

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Thank you Georgie and everyone, this is all great advice and I can definitely use snippets of each. x

I love allowing life to guide me so you could use an affirmation like “wow, I am so happy now I am seeing the way forwards which aligns with my highest good.” Keep repeating this to yourself for a week or so (as well as logical things) and see what emerges in your curious, receptive state! I call it “womanifesting” … like your pregnant with yourself & life is helping you to become! Sounds crazy (not to me) but it’s incredible how much our minds cannot see when you look too hard. Happy womanifesting!

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