Psychiatrist/Therapist in Central London

Hello beautiful community,

I’m reaching out in search of recommendations for a skilled psychiatrist or therapist located in central London, preferably in the W1 or SW1 areas. I’m specifically looking for someone who specializes in trauma, low confidence, behavior patterns, and related areas.

If anyone has had positive experiences or knows of someone who fits this description, I would greatly appreciate your suggestions.

Much love


I had a really positive experience with Lydia at the London School of Hypnotherapy:

She’s based in Soho and once you’ve had your session, you’re given a recording of a personalised audio to listen to for 21 days to reinforce positive patterns!

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I highly recommend Angela McKrill

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I am a therapist myself and so I would suggest you try doing a search on Counselling Directory. You can specify the location, issues and mode of delivery (face to face, online etc)

Good luck


I had a fantastic experience with Daniela Bloom [Therapy — Dr Daniela Bloom] she is based in Central/West London!

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Hi. I am a psychotherapist working in W1 who works with the areas you describe.
I would also recommend counselling directory where you can search by area, Psychology Today or
Good luck with your search

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I would thoroughly recommend Claire Thompson-Hart, she is an incredibly intuitive, emotionally intelligent therapist and, honestly, the best therapist I have ever seen.

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Kate Hammer is amazing. She is trained in existential analysis (a school of psychotherapy) after a career in business and coaching. Highly recommended

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There are some really great recommendations here:

Holli Rubin often comes highly recommended!

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Thank you all so much for your fantastic help!! I have contacted them all. Much love :heart:

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Hello Silva, If you are interested in more of a holistic- spiritual/ alternative therapy route, I am a root cause expert integrating both healings and transformational coaching. Feel free to get in touch.