Recommendation for wedding celebrant/officiant

I am getting married in London next June and looking for a celebrant/officiant to lead our humanist ceremony. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thank you!


Have you got any fabulous, confident friends? I’ve been to a few weddings over the years where friends of the couple have been the celebrant and it’s so special/personal!

Nat Raybould (natraybouldweds) was our Celebrant last summer and she was everything!! Honestly, the day wouldn’t have been the same without her. She put so much love and care into our ceremony and took the time to get to know us and our life beforehand. She’s amazing with whatever life/family drama you throw at her too!

Vim is lovely and a wonderful wordsmith

Olivia Coleman - on Instagram is great. She also has a podcast where I feel you can really get to know her vibe which helps as it’s such a personal decision.

Zena Birch is incredible, and the loveliest person too!