Hi ladies, any recommendations for wide leg trousers that aren’t see through!? nothing too expensive but decent enough quality.
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I have these from Abercrombie and they are a really nice quality!
If you are after another material they have lots of options! x
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Sezane have quite a nice choice at the moment:
Thank you all!
i have a pair from Mint Velvet which have been fab. These look good too
I always trust uniqlo on quality: https://www.uniqlo.com/uk/en/product/pleated-wide-leg-trousers-464886COL00SMA004000.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn7mwBhCiARIsAGoxjaJ_ahnRZalJdmLZG2mPfpgkz0kzBnH09-7voCpFBKKbpA9dAHxkNyEaAuvOEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
They are the best! x