Restaurant recommendations - London

Hello! First post here…. Am looking for recommendations to take my husband for a nice meal post theatre trip around Covent Garden / Soho / Piccadilly etc. So much choice but I haven’t found quite the right place. Previously really enjoyed Polpo in Soho. Thanks in advance!


How about Kricket in Soho? It’s Indian inspired sharing food, perfect for date night! (and the food tastes so lovely and fresh, I loved it!)


Thank you! It’s been on my list for a while but hadn’t thought of that one.


Bancone in Covent Garden is great. Noble Rot is also a favourite. I also loved Firebird which specialises in ‘on-the-grill’ cooking.

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Love Bancone (& wouldn’t mind going again!) but never tried the other two though so will take a look. Thank you!

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How lovely! Agree Bancone, Donia, The Devonshire, Sucre, Mountain - all favourites of mine

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All great recommendations! My top picks include Bancone, Sucre, Barrafina, Cora Pearl, Hoppers or Berenjak x

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I love The Palomar - if octopus is on the menu it’s delicious!


I had a lovely meal at the Nomad Hotel!

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Second Bancone and Firebird. Also Chotto Matte & Kapara are some Soho favourites, nice decor for date night!

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Thanks all - such great suggestions!

Another vote for Kriket here! Although mine and my husband go-to restaurant is Fumo in Covent Garden. If youre flexible to walking a little, Charlotte Street (towards Tottenham Court Road) has tons of offerings, I particularly like Carousel. If youre looking for something a little extra special and romantic, Clos Maggiore is stunning inside and highly romantic.

Have a lovely night :slight_smile:


Kricket is a great shout!

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Carousel is always fun! They’ve got a great Mexican/mezcal pop-up at the mo!


All amazing suggestions - for the best roast I’d recommend the Albion in Highbury and Islington, lots of nice cafes there too.