Restaurant recommendations - London

Hello! First post here…. Am looking for recommendations to take my husband for a nice meal post theatre trip around Covent Garden / Soho / Piccadilly etc. So much choice but I haven’t found quite the right place. Previously really enjoyed Polpo in Soho. Thanks in advance!

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How about Kricket in Soho? It’s Indian inspired sharing food, perfect for date night! (and the food tastes so lovely and fresh, I loved it!)


Thank you! It’s been on my list for a while but hadn’t thought of that one.

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Bancone in Covent Garden is great. Noble Rot is also a favourite. I also loved Firebird which specialises in ‘on-the-grill’ cooking.

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Love Bancone (& wouldn’t mind going again!) but never tried the other two though so will take a look. Thank you!

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How lovely! Agree Bancone, Donia, The Devonshire, Sucre, Mountain - all favourites of mine

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All great recommendations! My top picks include Bancone, Sucre, Barrafina, Cora Pearl, Hoppers or Berenjak x

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I love The Palomar - if octopus is on the menu it’s delicious!


I had a lovely meal at the Nomad Hotel!

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Second Bancone and Firebird. Also Chotto Matte & Kapara are some Soho favourites, nice decor for date night!

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Thanks all - such great suggestions!

Another vote for Kriket here! Although mine and my husband go-to restaurant is Fumo in Covent Garden. If youre flexible to walking a little, Charlotte Street (towards Tottenham Court Road) has tons of offerings, I particularly like Carousel. If youre looking for something a little extra special and romantic, Clos Maggiore is stunning inside and highly romantic.

Have a lovely night :slight_smile: