Returning to work after maternity leave

What tips do you have for getting back to work after having a baby? This seems very daunting!


I signed up mentor mums. It is free and they aim to match you with someone in the same role and industry. Really helped with my transition back to work especially having someone from outside my employer

Start slow, if possible ease back into work. Maybe start with part-time or flexible hours to give yourself time to adjust.

Have reliable childcare in place. It’s crucial to feel confident about who is taking care of your baby while you’re at work.

Plan your mornings - they can be hectic. Pack your bag, lay out your clothes, and prepare the baby’s items the night before.

If you’ve been on maternity leave try to catch up on any major changes before you return. Reach out to a colleague or your manager to get updates.

Set Boundaries - Be clear about your work schedule and the time when you’re available. It’s important to balance your professional responsibilities and your role as a new mum.

Breastfeeding Considerations - if you’re breastfeeding, talk to your employer about your needs. You might need breaks for pumping and a private space to do so.

Take care of yourself - remember to look after your own health. Eat well, get enough rest and find time for some physical activity.

Keep an open line of communication with your employer. Be honest about how the transition is going and if you need any adjustments.

Be kind to yourself, accept that there will be challenging days. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed at times. Celebrate the small victories and don’t be too hard on yourself.

Remember, every parent’s journey is unique, and it’s okay to feel a mix of emotions about this big change. Take it one day at a time, and don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it.