Has anyone used a shower head filter before?
I’ve been considering it for a while as I always find such an instant difference in my hair&skin when I shower in areas outside of London, especially if I am staying in the countryside.
Wondering if they work…
Yes!!! I really rate mine and swear by this one from Hello Klean: https://www.cultbeauty.co.uk/hello-klean-shower-filter/13311421.html?affil=thggpsad&switchcurrency=GBP&shippingcountry=GB&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIm9DtxfGJgQMV0NbtCh3bWgH0EAQYASABEgLfdvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Makes such a difference and my hair feels way softer
Ahhh glad I asked, perfect!!! Thank you Becky
Do you know if there are any benefits for hair loss?