Hi all, I have been on the hunt for a pair of slim bedside tables for months now and just can’t seem to find anything I like. They need to be max 34cm wide as there isn’t much room. I would love something wood/vintage-y looking. Also toying with the idea of a shelf instead of a bedside table as the space is tight and wonder if this will perhaps feel less cramped than a table. Any ideas most welcomed! Looking to spend £300 max.
Lastly, I think this is where I’ll land. 22cm and 28cm if you have them sideways and use the depth as width. I like the mixed colours & heights + the curved profile. Also solid wood. Think these will look modern, expensive & something different. Just no drawer, but seems like you can’t have it all when you’re looking slim-line! https://www.laredoute.co.uk/ppdp/prod-350215971.aspx#searchkeyword=bed%20side%20table%20&shoppingtool=search
We have these in our guest room and whenever we have guests- they love them so much that they end up getting them too! Danaway Side Table by www.giftedition.co.uk