The first pregnancy book recommendation

Any book recommendations to read for first-time mumma to be?

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There are loads of great books but depends what you’re after.

I recommend Emily Oster - Expecting Better for Pregnancy and Crib Sheet for new parenthood. She is an economist who has taken all the things we are told we should and shouldn’t do and looked at the data behind it all. Pretty illuminating.

My Baby Week by Week is great little reference book to have on hand but also know that no baby meets the milestones exactly as they are laid out!

The First Forty Days is a good book about nourishing yourself post baby. And Positive Birth Book by Milli Hill was a lovely book about pregnancy and labour and how to do it your way. Also a good one for partners to read as they will need to be your advocates when you’re in labour.

Hope that’s not too overwhelming!

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> Your Baby Week by Week was my absolute bible for all 3 of mine


Totally agree re baby week by week so helpful! But as with anything some of it you have to take with a pinch of salt!

It’s not specifically a “pregnancy” book, but Precious Little Sleep by Alexis Dubief helped me understand baby sleep which made things a bit easier

The Modern’s Midwife Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond it’s great

The pregnancy week by week was my go to aswell!

In terms of knowing what to expect from myself it has to be:

It gave me an insight of what to expect once the baby was here and also has loads of great tips for making myself feel like me!