Tips for positive mindset after job loss and life change!

I have recently been made redundant from a job I’ve been in for 6 years. It’s the same company I’ve been with since I was a graduate and the redundancy was very sudden and unexpected. I have been left feeling extremely lost and hurt about leaving before I am ready, from a job I really enjoyed.

I would love to have some advice from anyone who has experienced similar uncertainty with work and how to stay positive about the future, build confidence ready for the inevitable rejection in job searching, but also get through the day to day of life when you are full of emotions.

I am very fortunate that I don’t need to rush into getting a new job straight away, so I want to use this time as an opportunity to work on myself, deal with the loss and figure out what I want to do next. I was never furloughed or not been out of work before, so I feel in need of help of how to reset and set goals if anyone has any tips - whether they be Meditation; journaling, hobbies, any books or podcasts that have helped them etc

So far I’ve just been breaking down crying a lot and want to stop myself from getting into a depressive cycle.

On top of this, I’m also getting married in 4 months so have a lot to juggle in my personal life and need tips to clear my head and manage any stresses!

Thank you so much


Hi there, First of all I am really sorry to hear of your job loss…that is upsetting and the wedding stress does not help. Here are some tips…

  1. Life has a strange way of working out, nearly always you end up finding something far better. Your old job was in your comfort zone and you never know…you may have stayed there for years and years never knowing what new opportunities there are. So try and focus on this maybe being a positive.

  2. Start your day with positive affirmation. Ger washed dressed, do light makeup, perfume and a bit of lipstick ( lipstick really does give you a facial boost) Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are looking really good. Do this every single morning without fail. Look good, feel good. Hold your head up high. Get fresh air every day even if it is just a walk round the block.

  3. Dedicate 20 minutes a day int eh morning ( before makeup maybe! ) thinking about nothing else but your worries and fears. Let yourself really go. Put a timer on and focus on nothing else. When timer goes off then get on with rest of your day and don’t think anymore about it until your next daily session. Because you allow yourself official grieving time you will honestly find it clears your head. After a while shorten the time to 15 minutes. Eventually you will find 2 minutes will do.

  4. Consider a bit of charity or voluntary work while you look for a job. It will give you a sense of worth and help others plus benefit your cv.

Hope this helps and good luck. I guarantee you things will improve.


This is brilliant advice and just what I need to hear really. Thank you for you kindness :slight_smile:

I agree with all of this, and remember it wasn’t your fault or even personal. This is a massive opportunity, as so many people are stuck in jobs they don’t want to be.

I volunteered at local schools and read with children during my time off and it really helped me and made me smile.

All the best


I’m a specialist media executive search specialist and I’m so sorry to hear about your situation. Firstly, remember it’s your position NOT you that has been made redundant and most likely because of how difficult 2023 has been. I am positive you will find a new role in the new year. Happy to chat if I can be of assistance. You can find my details at

I remember when I was made redundant at 23 from my first journalism job thinking my professional life was off to the worst start possible. But within three months I’d found a job that was better, and really put me on a new path. The fact is, everything will be okay. Everything DOES happen for a reason, even if the reasons seems unclear so far. This is only a middle chapter – it’s not the end of the story. When I look back now, it was a blip – nothing more.

Also, my dad gave me some amazing advice at the time: only you are in charge of – or care –about your career. No matter how nice your boss/company might seem, everyone is dispensable and they will dispense when push comes to shove. It sounds harsh but it’s true. You have to look out for number one – not in a nasty way, but the only person who’s going to put your career first is you. You’re in control, so remember that.

It’s also a very stressful time of year for many reasons and in the New Year, you might get a sense of clarity that feels difficult to achieve right now. Do you want to stay in the same industry or is this a chance to do something different? The answer doesn’t matter but it will give you a sense of direction. Also don’t let this affect your wedding or anything else wonderful
that’s going on in your personal life. On our death beds, no one remembers the different jobs or the number of days worked – they think about their memories with the people they love, so prioritise that. Everything else will work out, I promise.

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Thank you so much, great advice :slight_smile:

Thanks so much!

Thank you Harriet, this is great advice and very helpful. Really appreciate the response!