Hey, Off to Greece with my 20 month old son. Any ideas on what I can pack for the plane to keep him entertained? xx
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Oh that first plane ride is always fun! Luckily not too long a flight, but my strategies were:
- Healthy snacks I’d take with me
- Sticker books
- Reading books
- Magazine at the airport (if he’s old enough, some have small parts)
- Colouring - or even a drawing tablet https://www.amazon.co.uk/Drawing-Toddler-Dinosaur-Birthday-Toddlers/dp/B0D2KWP8MX/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.kFsdD8xJZJGf7sYlRxPN3Xpr7kEAxYABW3U7SbsSOGUvVOYXUu4HNeYH8f4ciAcrsdrq8pzxH3n4yBJC1EA9y2PyPbrbhOHz1nXbIEJfGIQvZthrHj0DDCtliyR_TWNxfbpAK8Vfxj3ZJTAuO08NRwr1tUOyiW9_wxZrnHlGj_k8Ye4El6GSt8gBzBUJFqDxN9KX7yCBjb3RJn05hBDYePJFDYOlE0ViQWu6gTiiasQl-HgHE7PAW8_U8b-1_THan7e5xoyhW20qepd4tXRVDKoMtazLz-unTz1lX9jFxs8.InOQu73kCdZR7UeSTmiMs3x-f4y5wp19tlil1Shccgw&dib_tag=se&keywords=etch+a+sketch&qid=1719930268&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
- And an iPad with headphone loaded with his favourite cartoons
Have a great holiday!
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Thank you so much x
I agree with all of Georgina’s suggestions and i’d also add lots of little toys that you can switch out easily. Different cars etc. We also loved the magic water colouring books
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