Universal footmuff for Uppababy pram

As the colder weather is setting in, I am thinking about keeping my 3-month old baby warm when we are out and about!

I’m looking for a footmuff for our Uppababy Vista 2 and would like to find something better value than the Uppababy own-brand one.

Can anyone recommend a good universal option that fits the Uppababy pram well and is in the £50-£100 price range? Thanks!

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John Lewis do a nice sheepskin one that’s universal. Slightly over budget though - https://www.johnlewis.com/john-lewis-baby-sheepskin-footmuff-black/p5135764?s_ppc=2dx_mixed_fashion_BAU&tmad=c&tmcampid=2&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw0aS3BhA3EiwAKaD2ZdSaugMRKtLXdfxoXWm9VE0FL6H9bSENbudyaEbNXi-KrEqR2was9hoCBQwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

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I have the Uppababy Cruz (so doublecheck also okay for Vista) and got the Bababing footmuff as part of a package when I bought it. It is thick and comfy (think it’s about £50 bought separately). Not sure if the Vista is the same but it took me ages to find the little silver loops which actually allow you to detach the arm straps and fit the muff on! x