Wedding present for older couple

My friends are finally getting married after being together 15 years. I’m looking for gift ideas. I was thinking maybe a voucher for a restaurant (Michelin standard) or similar. They have a house, income, go on their holidays etc


A voucher for a restaurant sounds like a great idea. You could also consider getting them tickets to see a show.


If they love to travel a voucher for Mr & Mrs Smith or somewhere similar could be a nice idea for them to put towards a special hotel?


Restaurant voucher sounds lovely. If they’re into wine, a gift I received when I got married that was really special was 3 bottles of wine from Berry Bros & Rudd - the first bought to drink on our first anniversary, second on our 5th and third on our 10th. Something really fun to look forward to and really memorable!


I love that wine idea - such a special gift!


Maybe a hamper. You can’t go wrong with a Fortnum & Mason one x

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I love this idea, my friend doesn’t drink but I will use this idea for another wedding I have. Thank you.


would they enjoy a cooking class?

Sauce by The Langham have lots of fun courses to choose from, or there’s The Sea, The Sea which have classes, too?

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Another option is a Champagne tasting, they are mostly held in Michelin star restaurants, its an elegant evening hosted by an amazing company. Sip Champagne.
They also have a lovely selection of champagnes as well that you can send a gift box to them. It’s unique and it is all about grower champagne.

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Yes!! This is a fan idea. Thank you.

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How about a nice set of luggage - depending on your budget a his n her weekender bag each or a full set of longer holiday luggage. Pure luxuries London have some nice weekenders.