What to do in Cambridge for a weekend?

Hi, any help for ideas on where to stay, things to do and see in Cambridge. Any suggestions much appreciated. Thanks in advance


My recs would be:
Cambridge Wine Merchants for a quick glass and nibbles
Orchard Tea Garden for cake and tea – then you can walk along the river or go punting
Also book a Cambridge tour to learn about the university or a walking tour with Footprints
The Fitzwilliam Museum for world-famous art
Cambridge University Botanic Garden which is a lovely winter garden!

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Thanks :blush: perfect


I really recommend The Parker’s Tavern for a delicious brasserie-style dinner. Fitzbillies for the famous Chelsea buns and agree that The Fitzwilliam Museum is fab! I also enjoyed brunch at Novi. A punting tour is always fun but dependent on the weather of course! x

The University Arms is lovely for a coffee or cocktail:


Cross fingers :crossed_fingers: it’s good weather. Thanks for the info :ok_hand:


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