Wide leg trousers for tall girls

I’ve recently gone back to work in a corporate office and I’m really struggling finding my style again. I’d love to find some wide leg trousers that work for longer legs - I can’t handle the ankle swingers!! Does anyone have any recommendations for summer that would work for 5.10" and upwards? Thank you!


I’m 5.9 1/2" and I find that Zara wide leg trousers are always perfect for me (some are even too long) - also Asos Tall works really well for me. I also have a pair of Mango wide legged trousers that are the perfect length, so maybe try there. I always go and try them on as the length changes quite a bit (I feel your pain!)

I’d recommend looking at Mint Velvet and Abercrombie as they have both have trousers which have different lengths available!

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I was also going to say Zara is now so good for taller girls, I find them all way too long for me!!
I would also look at Massimo & Abercrombie x

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Spanish brands have always been so short for me, maybe something has changed recently…
I am 177cm and swear by drDenim and Stradivarius jeans, asos tall and na-kd sweatpants, Bershka and sisters point wide pants

I find COS falls quite long: https://www.cos.com/en_gbp/women/womenswear/trousers/product.wide-leg-tailored-twill-trousers-beige.1226602002.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaKO5G45h5LKiadJINPWb4LUSnczW_88eVXjluhUroILu2FHXqtnuFxoCmPwQAvD_BwE